- IR NewsDec 27,2021
New Management Structure of Sanden Holdings Corporation(PDF:223KB)
Please be informed that the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders and the Board of Directors held on Today, officially appointed new Representative Director and decided new management structure as follows..........
- IR NewsDec 27,2021
As announced in the “Notice of Reshape Project of Labor Efficiency in Sanden Group” on December 2, 2021, Sanden Group has implemented the domestic labor efficiency activities as a part of structural reform measure, and the results are as follows..........
- IR NewsDec 27,2021
Plan for Compliance with the Criteria for Listing in New Market Segment(PDF:448KB)
Regarding the review of the market category of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. scheduled for April 2022, the Company applied to select the Prime Market today..........
- IR NewsDec 02,2021
Notice of Reshape Project of Labor Efficiency in Sanden Group(PDF:35KB)
The Company has announced today its decision to implement reshape project as follows..........
- IR NewsNov 08,2021
As a result of deliberation at the Board of Directors meeting held today, regarding addition of agenda items "Notice Concerning Date of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders and Proposals" dated September 28, 2021 and the Company's Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (hereinafter referred to as the "Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders") scheduled to be held on December 27, 2021, which we have announced in "(Change of Disclosure Matters) Notice Regarding Convocation of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders and Setting of Record Date for Convocation" dated October 25, 2021, we have resolved to add one candidate for director as follows as well as the new director structure on December 27, 2021..........
- IR NewsOct 25,2021
As announced in the notice titled “Notice Concerning Making of a Decision on the Basic Policy to Execute Merger (absorption-type merger) and Company Split (simple-form absorption-type company split) with Our Wholly-owned Subsidiaries” dated September 13, 2021 and the notice titled “Notice Concerning Execution of Agreements for the Merger (absorption-type merger) and Agreement for the Company Split (simple-form absorption-type company split) with Our Wholly-owned Subsidiaries, Change of Our Trade Name, and Partial Amendment of Our Articles of Incorporation” dated September 28, 2021, Sanden Holdings Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) resolved to execute the reorganization of the management system by transforming the Company from a holding company into an operating company (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Reorganization”), the change of Company’s trade name (“Change of Trade Name”) and the partially amendment of the Company’s articles of incorporation (“Amendment of Articles”) accompanying the Reorganization..........
- IR NewsOct 25,2021
As announced in the notice titled “Notice Concerning Setting of the Record Date to Convene the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders” dated August 12, 2021 and the notice titled “Notice of the Date and Agenda for the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders” dated September 28, Sanden Holdings Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) resolved to convene its extraordinary general meeting of shareholders (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders’), which was scheduled to be held on November 25, 2021 and set August 29, 2021 as the record date for the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders..........
- IR NewsOct 25,2021
Notice regarding changes in the executive officer system(PDF:53KB)
Please be informed that executive officer system was resolved at the board of directors held today as follows..........
- IR NewsSep 28,2021
Notice of the Date and Agenda for the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders(PDF:126KB)
As announced in our “Notice Concerning Setting of the Record Date to Convene the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders” dated August 12, 2021 concerning convocation of our extraordinary general meeting of shareholders (the “Meeting”) by setting August 29, 2021 as the record date, we hereby announce that our Board of Directors resolved at its meeting held today on the details of the Meeting as follows..........
- IR NewsSep 28,2021
Sanden Holdings Corporation (the “Company”) hereby announces that its Board of Directors, at its meeting held today, approved to execute the agreements for the merger (absorption-type merger) and agreement for the company split (simple form absorption-type company split) (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Reorganization Agreements”) and these agreements were executed today with respect to the reorganization of the management system as follows by transforming the Company from a holding company into an operating company (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Reorganization”) as notified in the “Notice Concerning Making of a Decision on the Basic Policy to Execute Merger (absorption-type merger) and Company Split (simple-form absorption-type company split) with Our Wholly-owned Subsidiaries” dated September 13, 2021..........
- IR NewsSep 13,2021
Sanden Holdings Corporation (the “Company”) hereby announces that its Board of Directors made a resolution at its meeting held today to make a decision on its basic policy for the Company to execute merger (absorption-type merger) and company split (simple form absorption-type company split) (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Reorganization”) as follows, and to transform the Company from a holding company into an operating company, and for the Company to commence necessary procedures to execute the Reorganization..........
- IR NewsAug 12,2021
Sanden Holdings Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) adopted resolutions of setting of the record date to convene the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders (hereinafter referred to as this ‘Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders’) at the board of directors meeting held today. The details are as follows..........
- IR NewsAug 12,2021
Progress on Efforts for Excessive Liabilities Elimination(PDF:166KB)
As announced in the notice titled “SUMMARY OF CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS OF MARCH 31, 2021” dated May 13, 2021, Sanden Holdings Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) incurred excessive liabilities as of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021, and therefore, the Company announced the efforts for eliminating the Company’s excessive liabilities in the notice titled “Notice on Submission of “Business Revitalization Plan” to Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc.” dated May 7, 2021..........
- IR NewsAug 12,2021
Notice on Elimination of “Notes to going concern assumptions”(PDF:240KB)
Sanden Holdings Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) hereby announces that the Company eliminated the description “Notes to going concern assumptions” in the “SUMMARY OF QUARTERY CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS OF JUNE 30, 2021” dated today..........
- IR NewsAug 12,2021
Notice Regarding Revision of Consolidated Earnings and Dividend Forecasts and more(PDF:194KB)
The revisions to the consolidated earnings and dividend forecasts and the posting of extraordinary losses; reversal of deferred tax assets; and the posting of the deferred tax liabilities for the fiscal year ending December 2021 (April 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021) are as follows..........
- IR NewsJul 28,2021
Notice regarding the new executive officer system(PDF:54KB)
Please be informed that executive officer system was resolved at the board of directors held today as follows..........
- News ReleaseJul 16, 2021
Sanden will establish Research and Development Center in Chongqing China(PDF:234KB)
Sanden Holdings Corporation (Representative Director & President: Zhu Dan; head office: Isesaki-shi, Gunma, Japan), are promoting research and development activities toward the realization of "comfortable space which enrich human’s lives" by creating new value through actively incorporating innovation technology from the outside, with "cooling and warming" as the key technology........
- IR NewsJun 25,2021
Appointment of Temporary Accounting Auditor(PDF:149KB)
As announced in the notice titled “Change in Accounting Auditor” as of today, Sanden Holdings Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) has been in the process of selecting a temporary accounting auditor upon the retirement of KPMG AZSA LLC as the accounting auditor.........
- IR NewsJun 25,2021
Notice regarding change of representative director and new director system(PDF:75KB)
Please be informed that at the Board of Directors meeting held today, we resolved to change the representative director and new board structure as follows........
- IR NewsJun 25,2021
Change in Accounting Auditor(PDF:162KB)
Sanden Holdings Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) received a notification from its accounting auditor, KPMG AZSA LLC, of retirement as an accounting auditor upon the expiration of its term of office at the conclusion of the 95th ordinary general meeting of shareholders scheduled to be held on June 25, 2021........
- IR NewsJun 15,2021
Notice regarding the change of president(PDF:46KB)
Please be informed that Sanden Holdings Corporation held the Extraordinary Board of Directors on June 10th, 2021 and resolved to change the president and executive officers as follows.........
- IR NewsJun 07,2021
Sanden Holdings Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) hereby announces as follows that Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. announced today that the Company’s shares will remain listed.........
- IR NewsJun 04, 2021
Sanden Holdings Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) hereby announces the candidates of Directors and the candidates of Audit & Supervisory Board Members, the election of which will be proposed to the 95th ordinary general meeting of shareholders scheduled to be held on June 25, 2021, and the scheduled change (retirement) of the Company’s representative directors........
- IR NewsMay 31, 2021
As announced in the notice titled “Issuance of New Shares through Third-Party Allotment and Shelf Registration in respect of Issuance of New Shares, Partial Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation and Expected Changes in Parent Company and Largest Shareholder among the Major Shareholders” dated March 1, 2021, the notice titled “(Update and Progress of a Disclosure Matter) Issuance of New Shares through Third-Party Allotment and Shelf Registration in respect of Issuance of New Shares, Partial Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation and Expected Changes in Parent Company and Largest Shareholder among the Major Shareholders” dated March 19, 2021, and the notice titled “(Update and Progress of a Disclosure Matter) Issuance of New Shares through Third-Party Allotment and Shelf Registration in respect of Issuance of New Shares, Partial Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation and Expected Changes in Parent Company and Largest Shareholder among the Major Shareholders” dated March 25, 2021, Sanden Holdings Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) resolved to issue new shares of common stock of the Company through third-party allotment (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Capital Increase through Third-Party Allotment’) to Hisense Japan Automotive Air-Conditioning Systems Corporation, which is a special purpose company incorporated by Hisense Home Appliances Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ‘Hisense Home Appliances Group’)........
- IR NewsMay 31, 2021
Recording of Extraordinary Income pertaining to Gain from Debt Forgiveness(PDF:166KB)
As announced in the notice titled “Notice on the Holding of the Re-Continuation Meeting for Creditors’ Meeting for Resolution on Business Revitalization Plan under Turnaround ADR Proceedings, Completion of Turnaround ADR Proceedings and Financial Support including Debt Forgiveness” dated May 7, 2021, Sanden Holdings Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) and certain of its subsidiaries (hereinafter collectively referred to as ‘Our Companies’) obtained the consent of financial institutions on the business revitalization plan (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Business Revitalization Plan’) including the debt forgiveness of 63,000 million yen in total (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Debt Forgiveness’), and the Turnaround ADR Proceedings were completed........
- News ReleaseMay 31, 2021
Aiming Toward a Company That Leads Change in Thermal Management Technology
As stated in the ‘Notice Concerning Completion of Payment for Issuance of New Shares through Third-party Allotment and Withdrawal of Shelf Registration’ publicized today, Sanden Holdings Corporation (Representative Director & President: Katsuya Nishi; head office: Isesaki-shi, Gunma, Japan) (hereinafter referred to as ‘Sanden’) has conducted the issuance of new shares through third-party allotment following the completion of payment from Hisense Japan Automotive Air Conditioning Systems Limited Liability Company, a special-purpose company established by Hisense Home Appliances Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ‘Hisense Group’)......
- News ReleaseMay 14, 2021
Sanden Holdings Corporation (Representative Director & President: Katsuya Nishi; head office: Isesaki-shi, Gunma, Japan) is steadily implementing the five reform plans that are the key strategies of its mid-term management plan SCOPE2023........
- IR NewsMay 07, 2021
As stated in the notice titled “Notice on the Holding of the Re-Continuation Meeting for Creditors’ Meeting for Resolution on Business Revitalization Plan under Turnaround ADR Proceedings, Completion of Turnaround ADR Proceedings and Financial Support including Debt Forgiveness” disclosed as of today, Sanden Holdings Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) obtained the unanimous consent of all of the financial institutions, as the creditors, with respect to the business revitalization plan, which includes the provision of financial support mainly consisting of forgiveness of the Company’s debt (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Business Revitalization Plan’), at the re-continuation meeting for third creditors’ meeting (creditors’ meeting for resolution on a business revitalization plan) held today, and thus, the Turnaround ADR Proceedings have been completed........
- IR NewsMay 07, 2021
Notice on Submission of “Business Revitalization Plan” to Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc.(PDF:361KB)
Sanden Holdings Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) and certain of its subsidiaries (hereinafter collectively referred to as ‘Our Companies’) have been striving for a business turnaround, through the specified certified dispute resolution proceedings under the Act on Strengthening Industrial Competitiveness (i.e., the Turnaround ADR Proceedings)........
- IR NewsMay 07, 2021
Sanden Holdings Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) and certain of its subsidiaries (hereinafter collectively referred to as ‘Our Companies’) have been striving for a business turnaround, through the specified certified dispute resolution proceedings under the Act on Strengthening Industrial Competitiveness (i.e., the Turnaround ADR Proceedings), and the Company hereby announces that the Turnaround ADR Proceedings were completed today........
- IR NewsApr 27, 2021
We hereby announce an outline of the continuation meeting for third creditors’ meeting (creditors’ meeting for a resolution on the draft business revitalization plan) under the Turnaround ADR proceedings held today as follows........
- IR NewsMar 25, 2021
As announced in the notice titled “Issuance of New Shares through Third-Party Allotment and Shelf Registration in respect of Issuance of New Shares, Partial Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation and Expected Changes in Parent Company and Largest Shareholder among the Major Shareholders” dated March 1, 2021 and the notice titled “(Update and Progress of a Disclosure Matter) Issuance of New Shares through Third-Party Allotment and Shelf Registration in respect of Issuance of New Shares, Partial Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation and Expected Changes in Parent Company and Largest Shareholder among the Major Shareholders” dated March 19, 2021, Sanden Holdings Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) resolved to issue new shares of common stock of the Company through third-party allotment (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Capital Increase through Third-Party Allotment’) to Hisense Japan Automotive Air-Conditioning Systems Corporation, which is a special purpose company incorporated by Hisense Home Appliances Group Co., Ltd. In connection with the Capital Increase through Third-Party Allotment, the Company hereby announces that it has passed a resolution at the board of directors meeting held today to change the date of its extraordinary general meeting of shareholders (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders’) from May 7, 2021 to May 27, 2021 and accordingly amend the date referred to as the date of its extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in the terms and conditions of the Capital Increase through Third-Party Allotment, to May 27, 2021 as well.........
- IR NewsMar 25, 2021
As announced in the notice titled “Notice of Convocation of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders and Setting of the Record Date for Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders” dated March 1, 2021, Sanden Holdings Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) resolved to convene its extraordinary general meeting of shareholders (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders’), which was scheduled to be held on May 7, 2021 and set March 17, 2021 as the record date for the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders. However, the Company hereby announces as follows that it has passed a resolution at the board of directors meeting held today to change the date of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to May 27, 2021 and reset April 12, 2021 as the record date for the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.........
- IR NewsMar 22, 2021
We hereby announce an outline of the third-continuation second creditors’ meeting (creditors’ meeting for discussing the draft business revitalization plan) under the Turnaround ADR proceedings held today as follows:.........
- IR NewsMar 19, 2021
In the notice titled “Issuance of New Shares through Third-Party Allotment and Shelf Registration in respect of Issuance of New Shares, Partial Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation and Expected Changes in Parent Company and Largest Shareholder among the Major Shareholders” dated March 1, 2021, Sanden Holdings Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) announced that it would issue new shares of common stock of the Company through third-party allotment (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Capital Increase through Third-Party Allotment’) to a special purpose company (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Planned Allottee’) to be incorporated by Hisense Home Appliances Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ‘Hisense Home Appliances Group’). In connection with this, the Company hereby announces that the Planned Allottee was incorporated and the contractual status of Hisense Home Appliances Group under a share purchase agreement (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Share Purchase Agreement’) entered into between the Company and Hisense Home Appliances Group and all of its rights and obligations thereunder were transferred to the Planned Allottee as of March 19, 2021.........
- IR NewsMar 12, 2021
We hereby announce an outline of the re-continuation second creditors’ meeting (creditors’ meeting for discussing the draft business revitalization plan) under the Turnaround ADR proceedings held today as follows:.........
- IR NewsMar 01, 2021
Sanden Holdings Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) hereby announces that it has passed a resolution at the board of directors meeting held today for the matters set out in the items 1. and 2. below. The Company also announces that this transaction is expected to result in the change in the parent company and the largest shareholder among the major shareholders.........
- IR NewsMar 01, 2021
Sanden Holdings Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) hereby announces as follows that it has passed a resolution at the board of directors meeting held today for the convocation of an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders to be held on May 7, 2021 (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders’) and setting of the record date for the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.........
- News ReleaseMar 01, 2021
Sanden Holdings Co., Ltd. (Head office: Isesaki city, Gunma, Representative Director & President: Katsuya Nishi, hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) as of today, according to “Issuance of new shares through third-party allotment and registration for issuance of new shares, notice regarding partial amendment of articles of incorporation and change of parent company and largest shareholder”, signed a share underwriting agreement with Hisense Home Appliances Group Co., Ltd. at the board of directors meeting held today. The company has resolved to issue new shares through a third-party allotment to a special purpose company to be established (hereinafter referred to as the "third-party allotment")......
- News ReleaseFeb 19, 2021
A COVID-19 PCR Positive Found at Yattajima Plant (Isesaki-shi, Gumma) of Sanden Holdings Corporation
Sanden Holdings Corporation (Representative Director and President: Katsuya Nishi; head office: Isesaki-shi, Gumma, Japan; hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) set up an emergency headquarters to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection, and has been carrying out necessary measures......
- News ReleaseJan 22, 2021
Sanden Holdings Corporation (Representative Director & President: Katsuya Nishi; head office: Isesaki-shi, Gunma, Japan) provided medical supplies in response to the government's request for pandemic of Covid-19 and people's lives. On December 21, 2020, we received a letter of appreciation from the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Hiroshi Kajiyama for significant contribution......
- News ReleaseJan 22, 2021
Covid-19 outbreak at our Global Center (Isesaki City, Gunma Prefecture)
Sanden Holdings Corporation (Representative Director & President: Katsuya Nishi; head office: Isesaki-shi, Gunma, Japan) established "Emergency Response Headquarters" implementing responses......
- News ReleaseJan 06, 2021
Sanden Holdings Corporation (Representative Director & President: Katsuya Nishi; head office: Isesaki-shi, Gunma, Japan) is steadily implementing the five reform plans that are the key strategies of its mid-term management plan SCOPE2023......
- News ReleaseJan 05, 2021
Drastic Cuts in Inventory Assets by Promoting Global SCM Project
Sanden Holdings Corporation (Representative Director & President: Katsuya Nishi; head office: Isesaki-shi, Gunma, Japan) is steadily implementing the five reform plans that are the key strategies of its mid-term management plan SCOPE2023......
- News ReleaseJan 05, 2021
A COVID-19 PCR Positive Found at Yattajima Plant of Sanden Holdings Corporation
Sanden Holdings Corporation (Representative Director and President: Katsuya Nishi; head office: Isesaki-shi, Gumma, Japan; hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) set up an emergency headquarters to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection, and has been carrying out necessary measures......