Consolidate Income statement

(Unit: Millions of Yen)

Account Items January 1,2023to December 31,2023 January 1,2022to December 31,2022 April 1,2021 to December 31,2021 April 1,2020 to March 31,2021 April 1,2019 to March 31,2020
Net Sales 179,279 175,683 119,587 137,477 204,880
Cost for sales 157,476 154,030 108,760 129,802 173,052
Gross profit on sales 21,803 21,653 10,826 7,674 31,827
Selling, general administrative expenses 32,821 27,382 23,297 26,131 35,229
Operating (loss) income (11,018) (5,729) (12,470) (18,456) (3,401)
Non-operating income 6,381 5,432 3,876 1,906 1,745
Interest income 130 48 182 450 587
Dividend income 35 25 8 8 19
Exchangegains(losses),net - - 383 420 -
Investment yield on equity method 4,339 3,439 2,192 - 71
Others 1,877 1,920 1,111 1,028 1,067
Non-operating expenses 3,745 3,842 3,134 >6,687 8,079
Interest expenses 1,299 1,142 698 1,711 2,400
Foreign exchange losses 392 612 - - 2,997
Others 2,054 2,088 2,436 4,976 1,905
Ordinary income
(Ordinary loss)
(8,382) (4,140) (11,728) (23,237) (9,735)
Extraordinary income 7,100 7,477 63,324 259 26,808
Extraordinary loss 2,811 3,947 31,419 21,592 14,746
Income before tax (4,093) (610) 20,177 (44,571) 2,326
Taxes-current (208) 842 2,524 790 1,031
Taxes-deferred (236) 221 2,446 291 328
Minority interest (288) (60) (681) (401) (1,321)
Net income (3,359) (1,613) 15,888 (45,251) 2,287

Note: Figures above are rounded down to the nearest one million yen.