- News ReleaseDec 22, 2016
Announcement of Important Appointments(PDF:30KB)
Sanden Holdings Corporation announced Important Appointments effective December 22, 2016......
- News ReleaseDec 19, 2016
TOKYO, December 19, 2016 – Sanden Holdings Corporation to open Business School to nurture future business leaders for next Generation. In collaboration with WASEDA Business School......
- IR NewsNov 07, 2016
Notice of The result of Voluntary Retirement Program in Sanden Group (PDF:25KB)
Sanden Holdings Corporation today announced the result of voluntary retirement program including its effect on financial result which has been announced on September 21, 2016 as below........
- IR NewsSep 21, 2016
Notice of Voluntary Retirement Program in Sanden Group (PDF:100KB)
Sanden Holdings Corporation today announced that the company has determined at its Board of Directors meeting, held on September 21, 2016, to implement the voluntary retirement in the Sanden group as below.........
- IR NewsAug 05, 2016
Notice of Implementation of Structure Reform in Sanden Group (PDF:93KB)
Sanden Holdings Corporation today announced that the company has determined at its Board of Directors meeting, held on August 5, 2016, to implement measures for structure reform in the group........
- IR NewsJun 22, 2016
Announcement of the New Directors, Corporate Auditors and Corporate Officers (PDF:205KB)
Sanden Holdings Corporation today announced that the directors, auditors and corporate officers have been appointed as herein listed at the 90th Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting and the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on June 22, 2016......
- IR NewsMay 20, 2016
Announcement of Candidates of Members of the Board of Directors and Auditors(PDF:45KB)
Sanden Holdings Corporation today announced candidates of members of the Board of Directors and Auditors. The candidates of members of the Board of Directors and Auditors will be submitted for approval to the 90th Annual Shareholders Meeting to be held on June 22, 2016.....
- IR NewsMar 7, 2016
Revision of Dividend Forecast for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2016(PDF:112KB)
Sanden Holdings Corporation (hereinafter “the Company”) hereby announces that it has resolved at the Board of Directors Meeting held today to revise its year-end dividend forecast as provided below.....