Questions about the Company
When was the Company founded?
The Company was founded on July 30, 1943. For details, please see the "Company Overview "page.
When did the Company complete its IPO and become listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange?
The Company is listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange on August 20,1962
On what stock exchanges is the Company listed?
The Company is listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Where can I learn about basic management policies and management's vision for the future?
Please refer to "Basic Management Policies " page.
How can I obtain summary data on the Company?
The Company Overview is located here .
How can I learn more about the Company's approach to protecting the environment?
Please visit the "Environment " page, and read the "CSR Report ". The "CSR Report " is also available as a PDF download.
Where can I request written documents or make other inquiries?
For document requests and IR-related inquiries, see the "IR-Related inquiries " page. And "Annual Report" is available on
the "IR materials " page for download.