Shareholder rewards
The Company positions the return of profit to shareholders as one of its key management priorities and its basic policy is to distribute profit according to consolidated financial results while simultaneously maintaining stable and continuous dividends. However, in consideration of posting a loss attributable to owners of parent in the fiscal year under review, it has regrettably decided not to pay year-end dividends for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023. In addition, the Company has decided to refrain from paying any dividends for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024 and to continue investing in growth to strengthen its financial base and respond to an accelerated shift to electric vehicles in the future. Going forward, the Company will improve its profitability and financial conditions to achieve business growth based on the new medium-term plan announced today while also making its best efforts to resume dividend payments at the earliest possible time.
Shareholder Special Benefit Plan
Not being offered at this time.