Approach to biodiversity
Biodiversity Policy
In April 2014, Sanden enacted the "Biodiversity Policy" to further strengthen activities on
< Intention >
The Sanden Group recognizes the impact of business
activities on the ecosystem and develops activities aiming for "Co-existence of Environment &
Industry". And also, we will contribute to the realization of sustainable
< Active >
1. Promote business activities where people and nature
2. Initiatively utilize ecosystem-conscious resources
3. Active in cooperation with the
community from a global perspective
4. Develop environmental education activities to learn about
nature's blessings
5. Widely disseminate the results of activities to stakeholders
Biodiversity includes plant protection and animal welfare.
Harmonious Coexistence with Communities and Nature Sanden Forest
Aiming to achieve harmonious coexistence between nature and corporate activities, Sanden opened the Akagi
site and the Sanden Forest surrounding it in 2002. Currently, the Sanden Forest complex—constructed by
employing a large-scale, close-to-nature construction method as the first attempt by the private sector—is
serving as an environmental education venue for local educational institutions and as a model plant
operating in harmony with nature as well as local communities, attracting a large number of visitors of
all ages.
This page presents an introduction to some of the special features of the Sanden Forest.
Solar Power Generating Array
Sanden constructed a 1,440-panel solar power generating array able to generate up to 300kW of power on the roof of the distribution warehouse in the Sanden Forest.
Streams where freshwater crabs live
In the area with streams created from the drain channels of biotope ponds, there are a wide variety of water-side plants. It has now been confirmed that the area is home to many Japanese fireflies. Despite its being located next to a plant, many low and tall trees along streams prevent sunlight from coming in and create shade and its location in the river valley also prevents light from the plant and vehicles, providing a perfect habitat for fireflies. This area is also home to freshwater crabs, frogs, and aquatic insects.
Acorn Plaza (Remaining forest area)
This forest area has remained since before the construction of the Akagi Plant. In this maturing forest, there are trees that are over 70 years old. The wooded area consists mainly of broadleaf trees, such as Quercus acutissima and Quercus serrata. Due to our constant care, such as cutting bamboo grass and removing fallen leaves, many kinds of flowers bloom in spring, including orchids and many other endangered plant species. In the forest area that has remained since before the construction of the plant, Golden orchid can be seen in spring.
Biotope Ponds
In areas near factory buildings, biotope ponds have been created to protect ecosystems.
Around the regulating reservoirs for the plant, an ecotone has been created as a greenery zone leading
from the reservoir to a marshy area, a grassy area and wooded area. Conventional regulating reservoirs,
which have paved paths, are surrounded with a fence to reduce management costs and secure safety. In the
design of the regulating reservoir here, however, priority was placed on the creation of a wildlife
habitat. In the biotope ponds, many birds, including herons and kingfishers, can be seen. They also serve
as a habitat for Japanese fireflies and a resting place for deer and antelope.
Environmental Report
The Sanden Forest/Akagi Plant as a Symbol of Sanden’s Environment-Friendliness—Aiming for the
harmonious coexistence of manufacturing and the environment —
In the 21st century,
society is demanding that companies take responsibility for playing new roles considerably different from
their traditional roles. As members of society, corporations are now expected to proactively participate
in efforts aimed at helping build a sustainable society. To “ensure that future generations will
inherit our beautiful, irreplaceable earth” as stipulated in the Corporate Philosophy, the Sanden
Group is proactively addressing environmental issues—promoting harmonious coexistence with the
environment and seeking to preserve and rehabilitate the environment.
The Sanden Forest/Akagi Plant
is a concrete manifestation of Sanden’s environment-friendliness.
Its fundamental concept is to
“serve as a base for harmoniously coexisting with a rich natural environment, take up the challenge
of developing leading-edge technologies, create next-generation business systems, and thereby contribute
to society.”
Since its established in 2002, Sanden Forest has earned a high evaluations from
outside for its sustained implementation of environmental assessments and environmental preservation
activities as well as educational programs. *Evaluations
Going forward, Sanden
will maintain its commitment to “aiming for the harmonious coexistence of manufacturing and the
environment” and steadily implement related measures.