History of environmental activities

Age Sanden’s Activities Evaluation from outside

In-house newsletter

●Special Feature in the In-House Newsletter “We Want to Be an Earth-Friendly Enterprise”
・Launch of Fluoron Countermeasures Committee

1993 ●Institution of the Sanden Environmental Charter
・Pilot implementation of life-cycle assessment (LCA)
・Organized culture lecture by writer and naturalist C.W. Nichols

Energy-saving vanguard prize

●Energy Efficiency Vanguard Award
(Vending Systems)

1996 ●Began activities for obtaining ISO14001 certifications

Ozone layer protection award

●EPA Prize for Contribution to Protecting the Ozone Layer

1997 ●Partially revised the Sanden Environmental Charter  
●Implemented environmental assessments prior to creation of Sanden Forest/Akagi Plant  
1998 ●Obtained ISO14001 certifications for all manufacturing facilities ●Deming Application Prize
●Began seeking to realize zero emission performance ●Ozone layer protection award From the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Ltd.
1999 ●Obtained ISO14001 certifications for Tokyo Head Office/ Domestic Front Office facilities  
●Introduced environmental accounting  
2000 ●Zero emissions achieved at all manufacturing plants  
●Articulated the fundamental environmental protection concept of “eliminating all kinds of waste”  
2001 ●Introduced Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Quality Function Deployment for Environment (QFDE)(Methods for assessing environmental impact over the entirety of product life cycles)  

Sanden Forest/Akagi Plant

●Sanden Forest/Akagi Plant Begins Operating as a Symbol of Environment Consciousness

●Japan Quality Control Award
●Began publishing environmental reports ●Nihon Keizai Shimbun’s Superior Trendsetting Factories and Offices Award (Akagi Plant)
2003   ●Japan Greenery Research and Development Center’s President’s Prize (Akagi Plant)
  ●Chairman’s Award from the Energy Conservation Center, Japan(Vending Systems)
2004 ●Introduced JEPIX method for evaluating environmental performance ●Japan Machinery Federation’s Chairman’s Award for Energy-Conserving Machinery (Retail Systems div.)
2005 ●Establishment of“Environmental Vision:Eco-Excellent 2010” ●“Highest ranking” for environmental ratings presented by the Development Bank of Japan


●Introduction of Material Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA) to Concurrently Promote Management Efficiency and Environmental Protection

●Installed a 300kW solar power generation array  
2007 ●Introduced environmental efficiency indicators (Product Environmental Guidelines of the Japan Auto Parts Industries Association) ●Deming Prize

Hibiscus Award

●Prime Minister’s Hibiscus Award of Malaysia

2008 ●Began implementing environmental activity level evaluations ●Asahi Corporate Citizen Award
  ●Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry(METI) Minister’s Award in Excellent Greenification Plant Award program
  ●Attained Excellent Stage 3 of the 2008 SEGES*
2009 ●Announced the “Create Corporate Value from Environmental Protection” management policy ●Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award in Ozone Layer Protection and Global Warming Prevention Award Program
●Implemented the “Describe the Environment in Your Own Words”environmental education program for marketing staff ●Executive Director, Technology and Environment, METI of Japan Award of the 6th LCA Japan Forum
●Began promoting employee efforts to acquire eco-qualifications ●Special Award in the Material Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA) Section of the 2009 Eco- Efficiency Awards

 the Sanden Kankyo Mirai Zaidan

●Establishment of the Sanden Kankyo Mirai Zaidan

2010 ●Instituted green procurement guidelines ●Recognized by SEGES as one of the top 100 green companies regarding the promotion of plant biodiversity(Sanden Forest)
●Expanded scope of environmental reports to cover the entire Sanden Group ●Authorized to use the Eco Rail Mark of the Ministry of Land,Infrastructure,Transport and Tourism
●Organized the Environment Festival Eco-Planet 2010 event ●Eco-Technology Award(Sanden Manufacturing Europe)
2011 ●Develop a new environmental vision The activities of Sanden Forest were introduced as excellent examples from OECD
Join CDP(Carbon Disclosure Project) ●Certified as a good business operator of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport's Eco Ship Mark
●First exhibition at the Eco-Produc  
2012 ●Participated in the 11 th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 11) held in Hyderabad, Indiats exhibition in Japan Rreceived the Good Design Award 2012 (Akagi Plant)
●Introduced management system for chemical substances contained in products  
2013 ●Issuing Green Supply Guidelines 2nd Edition (Japanese · English · Chinese Edition)


●Received Prime Minister's commendation for greening promotion movement

  ●Received Japan Quality Encouragement Prize Quality Innovation Award ("Challenge to Environmental Management by MFCA")
2014 ●Case presentation at the 12 th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 12) held in Pyeongchang, South Korea


●"Low Carbon Cup 2015" Finalist Award

  ●SANDEN-Forestf certified as the "Environmental Education Promotion Law" Experience opportunity place "
2015 ●Introduced new environmental information management system ●Received the Excellence Award from Eco-Test Award 2015
2016 ●1st China Environmental Conference held ●Received Minister of the Environment Minister's Award at the 19th Ozone Layer Protection and Global Warming Prevention Awards
●1st European Environmental Conference held ●Received an Excellence Award Society of Civil Engineers Design Award
2017 ●Creative-energy Activity deployed ●Contribution to Greenery society prize
●Disposal of all of Mercury implemented in domestic bases ●Green city prize
●15th anniversary of AP ●“Protection of Environment through Energy-saving” accepted by regional government of Technology & Development
(Sanden (Shanghai) Automotive Air-Conditioning Co., Ltd.)
  Guidelines for Private Sector Engagement in Biodiversity - Second edition - (by Ministry of the Environment Japan)
Introducing as a reference case
2018 ●Conducted in-house study sessions on ESG management  
●Development of the 4th Midterm basic Policy of Environment  
2019 ●Launch of the Integrated Thermal Management System Development Project  
2020 ●Automated production lines (75%) for electric compressors launched ●Green Legacy certification of SEGES (Social and Environmental Green Evaluation System) granted (by the Organization for Landscape and Urban Green Infrastructure)
2021 ●Automated production lines (soldering process) for coolant heaters launched ●The concept movie for the Place for Nature-Based Experiences entitled ”Environmental Education for Implementation of the SDGs” released by the Environment Ministry
  ●Award of Excellence in the category of Business Cases of Gunma Prefecture’s Forest Business Contest
2022 ●Brazing furnace for heat exchangers and a new method put into operation ●Certified as a Green Partner under the “Forest x Decarbonization Challenge 2022”
  ●Certified as an OECM* site (trial scheme) by the Environment Ministry* OECM: Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures
  ●Gunma Prefecture Environmental Award
2023 ●Obtaining SBT (Science Based Target) Certification