Social contribution activities

2024   2023   2022   2021   2020   2019   2018  
2017   2016   2015   2014   2013   2012   2011  


May 2024 Poland CSR Activity

On May 5, 2024, a marathon event was held with participants from all over the world starting at the same time. The name of the event is the Wings for Life World Run. At this event, funds raised through participation fees and donations are used to pay for research and clinical trials aimed at finding a cure for spinal cord injury.
They supports employees' physical activities by bringing them together in groups and promoting a healthy lifestyle, and integrate employees by common training and competitions.


April 2023 Poland CSR Activity

Sanden Manufacturing Poland sp. z o.o. respects ecology in practice. To celebrate Earth Day in April, in cooperation with representatives of the Polish State Forests, SMP employees planted 800 saplings in Polkowice, Poland in the Lower Silesian Voivodeship.On 6th of April from 9 a.m. ~ 1 p.m., eleven employees from different departments from SMP Polkowice,spent time together working hard and helping the environment.
Integrating and strengthening joint actionfor a global good cause.
800 pine tree seedlings were planted under the supervision of a forester, which proved to be a big resultin such a short time.
After the activities, each participant received ”Forest friend certificate” from the representative of thePolish State Forests.


August 2022 Pakistan National Holiday event

Independence Day, observed annually on 14 August, is a national holiday in Pakistan.
It commemorates the day of August 14,1947 when Pakistan achieved independence and was declared a sovereign state.
The Independence Day was celebrated in Sanpak Engineering Industries (Pvt) Ltd. on Monday-Aug 15, 2022. A cake cutting ceremony was held, all the managers and staff participated in it and made it a memorable event.

June , 2022 Poland CSR Activity

Sanden Manufacturing Poland sp.zo.o.(SMP) set June as environmental month.
This year held event to save electricity both in company and in home for employees and their family.
 1, Workshop to save energy cost both in home and factory
 2, Contest for employee’s children (propose way to save electricity)
 3, producing electricity in bicycle power station
  (squeeze fruit juice through it)

April 2022 Japan CSR Activity

On April 30, 2022, held an event to raise awareness of the problems of plants of dangerous exotic plants in the prefecture that also inhabit the town.
On the day, nine person men and women of all ages participated, explaining that exotic species hinder the growth of native species, Weeding experience of exotic species, the and observed the growth environment of plants and spring flowers.
This event is a study building project sponsored by Maebashi City (environment policy section of the Environment and Forest Division is in charge),
Getting a request from Maebashi City, which has given Sanden Forest certification as a "place of experience opportunity", sanden operated and implemented the program.

April 2022 Poland CSR Activity

From April 2022 twice a week, Sanden Manufacturing Poland sp.zo.o.(SMP) supply in total 70 kg of fruit at SMP's canteen for freeto promotes healthy nutrition of Employees.
Employee can get one fruit from here.
SMP will continue to open this event

March 2022 Poland CSR Activity

Sanden Manufacturing Poland sp.zo.o.(SMP) held an ultrasound examination by a doctor for SMP employees from 15th to 25th of March 2022 for the purpose is to raise awareness and encourage employees to undergo regular preventive examinations.
The action enjoyed great interest.


August 2021 Pakistan CSR Activity

On August 16, 2021, our group company Sanpak Engineering Industries (Pvt) Ltd. held an event “Plant planting “ to make the region more sustainable in the long term.
Many employees participated in this event and it became a valuable opportunity to think about climate change and sustainability.

June 2021 Poland CSR Activity

On June 5, 2021, our group company Sanden Manufacturing Poland sp. z o.o. held an environmental protection event on world environment day.
At the event, employees got training sessions to learn about how waste is treated and its impact.
And held a poetry contest on the theme of bees for employee’s children.
Many employees participated in the event and attracted interest.


January 2020 Poland CSR Activity

Sanden Manufacturing Poland sp.zo.o(SMP) donataed Kokeshi doll - an original Japanese wooden doll, hand carved and made entirely of Japanese cherry tree to The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation which is a public benefit organization. The doll was sold at the online auction of Great Orchestra.


December 2019 Poland CSR Activity

As a part of an Action „Give a smile for a penny” employees of Sanden Manufacturing Poland sp.zo.o. donated 2000 PLN to the children from the orphanage in Polkowice city, to cover costs of Christmas gifts.

December 2019 Mexico CSR Activity

On December 2019, Sanden Manufacturing Mexico SA de CV(SMM) carried out the NAVIDAR Campaign, where they voluntarily donated toys, sweets and pantry for the asylum “El Buen Pastor”, benefiting 18 girls and 20 religious sisters.

September 13, 2019 Thailand CSR Activity

On September 13th 2019, farmers in Thailand had difficulty selling Long-gong fruits. Sanden Thailand Co.,Ltd. therefore organized activities to help farmers by buying Long-gong fruits directly from their garden and at the same time distributed to employees.

August 5-7, 2019 Japan CSR Activity

From August 5,2019 to August 7 2019,Sanden Automotive Components Corporation (SDAC) cooperated the English-based degree program of Waseda University Faculty of Creative Science and Engineering 6 students pursued the theme 「Development of New Products using Strength」lectured by SDAC engineer

June 6, 2019 Japan Clean Up Activity in Chiyoda City

15 employees of Sanden Holdings Corporation, who work in Daibiru, took part in Clean Up Activity in Chiyoda City which aims to promote and clean up around the city together with city residents, corporations, and organizations.

May 7, 2019 Mexico CSR Activity

Sanden Manufacturing Mexico SA de CV(SMM) supported Fernando Moreno's initiative about the A.C. “Children against Leukemia Association” who permanently helps children with leukemia and SMM donated 60 bags of candies on Children’s Day.

April 28, 2019 Japan The 8th Volleyball Class

“Blue Ecores”, the Sanden women’s volleyball team and “Denso Ten Red Phoenix” visited Date City and Soma City in Fukushima Prefecture. They taught students how to play volleyball and the joy through volleyball lesson as part of supports for the reconstruction from The Great East Japan Earthquake.

March 27, 2019 Italy CSR Activity

As every year, SandenVendo Europe S.p.A. (SVE) devolves small amounts to local and national associations that support sick, elderly or animals in difficulty. This year, SVE devolved the sum of Euro 500 to support the Italian Association for the Research on Cancer as well as the sum of Euro 2,000 to other Associations, as indicated here aside.

February 23, 2019 Germany Cleaning Activity

Employees of Sanden International (Europe) GmbH took part in the city of Bad Nauheim organized the annual cleaning activity called "AktionSchmutzfink" or "SauberhaftesBadNauheim".


Sep, 2018 Italy Support hospice movement

SandenVendo Europe S.p.A. donated € 1,000 to NPO VITAS, that is the hospice movement, for palliative care in patients under medical treatment.

Sep, 2018 Japan Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake

On Sep 2018, Sanden group and Sanden union Provided 600,000 yen maching donation to the Japan Red Cross to support Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake.

Aug 9, 2018 Japan Western Japan heavy rain

Due to the Western Japan heavy rain that occurred in early July, damage caused by floods and landslides occurred in a wide area of western Japan. In oder to support, Sanden group and Sanden union Provided 750,000 yen maching donation to the Japan Red Cross.

June 3, 2018 Japan Clean Up Activity Around Akagi Onuma Pond and Kakumanbuchi Wetland

205 employees from Sanden Group participated in the annual clean-up activity around Akagi Onuma Pond and Kakumanbuchi Wetland organized by Maebashi city. They spent 1.5 hours to pick up garbage around the area.

May 27, 2018 Japan Spring Clean Up Activity

80 employees from Sanden Group participated in the annual spring clean-up activity around Hashienuma Interchange which was organized by Gunma Prefecture. 150 kg of garbage was collected through this activity

May 18, 2018 Italy Companies Together for a Project on Refrigerant Gases

SandenVendo Europe S.p.A.(イタリア) has joined for a common project to achieve the objectives set by Kigali's amendment to the Montreal Protocol, namely the elimination of cooling gases currently used in industry, which cause climate change. The research activity will be financed by the Piedmont Region with European funds.Our CEO Alberto Spinoglio took part in the presentation of the project to local institutions and local schools.

May 18, 2018 Italy Social Day

40 employees of SandenVendo Europe S.p.A. participated in the clean-up activity, “Social Day” in Coniolo, which is the collaboration between Sanden and communities of the city.

May 2018 Italy Computer Donation to Primary School

At the conclusion of the Project “Green Children”, Mr. Alberto Spinoglio, CEO of SandenVendo Europe S.p.A.(SVE) consigned to the local Primary school of Morano, as donation, a computer for the students. This project has been economically supported by SVE.

April 29,30, 2018 Japan Volleyball Class

The members of Sanden women’s volleyball team and Denso Ten Red Phoenix visited Date City and Minamisoma City in Fukushima Prefecture. They gave volleyball lesson to 289 students of elementary school and junior high school as part of supports for the reconstruction from The Great East Japan Earthquake.

April 22, 2018 Germany Charity Walk

11 employees of Sanden International (Europe) Ltd. German Branch joined the charity walk in the city of Königstein /Germany to support the "Child Cancer Aid Frankfurt".

March 16, 2018 Singapore Education Assistance Award & Baby Bonus

Sanden International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. held Annual Education Assistance Award to reward and recognize employees’ children for their performance in their studies. Baby Bonus is also provided to employees for supporting and developing the young.

February 14, 2018 Thailand Campaign against HIV/AIDS

Employees of Sanden (Thailand) Co., Ltd. wore red ribbons, a symbol of world AIDS day, and provided training workshop about HIV/AIDS to educate 60 students at Ban Sang School.

February 9, 2018 Thailand Blood Donation Activity

In cooperation with the Red Cross in Ayutthaya, Sanden (Thailand) Co., Ltd. held a blood donation activity and 20,000cc of blood donated to the Red Cross.

February 8, 2018 Japan Lecture of International Understanding

An employee of Sanden Holdings Corporation visited an elementary school in Isesaki city to give a lecture of “International Understanding” as social studies of 6th grade which is one of the local human resource development activities.

January 2018 Poland Smile for Penny Campaign

Sanden Manufacturing Poland sp. z o.o. collected PLN 11,000 as part of the Smile for Penny Campaign, which is transferred to a treatment and rehabilitation for children of local Orphanage.


November 30, 2017 Germany Christmas Parcels for Children in Need

SandenVendo German Branch of Sanden International (Europe) Ltd. participated in the action, “Christmas parcels for children in need” by the Foundation “Kinderzukunft” in Gründau organizes. These parcels were later taken to the organization‘s collection point.

November 12, 2017 Japan 10th Bamboo Mowing around Mt. Akagi-yama

Employees of Sanden participated in the 10th bamboo mowing around Mt. Akagi-yama with the mind of valuing nature.

November 07, 2017 Philippines Make a Donation of Chest Freezers as a Part of Kiss Me Project

SIP (Sanden International Philippines, Inc.) donated chest freezers to five wounded and disabled soldiers who fought the Maute - ISIS militants in Marawi City, as a part of Kiss Me Project by Department of Agriculture.

September 2017 United States Support for Devastated Areas of Hurricane Harvey

Employees of SVA (SandenVendo America Inc.) helped with restoration of Hurricane Harvey which slammed into Houston Texas on August 24 by rescuing and providing relief food and goods for people in the devastated areas.

August 19, 2017 Japan Sanden Maebashi Robot Competition

Sanden Maebashi Robot Competition organized by techno forum group of Maebashi city and Sanden Group took place at Maebashi City Welfare Hall and “SD robot research team” participated in the competition.

August 4, 2017 Germany Charity Golf Tournament

“SANDEN Leo Allen Memorial 2017”, an annual charity golf tournament sponsored by SIE (Sanden International (Europe) Ltd.) was held and 5.5 thousand pounds were donated to the Queen Alexandra Hospital.

July 7, 2017 The USA Blood Donation

SandenVendo America Inc. (SVA) partnered up with Carter Blood Care, the nonprofit organization, to donate blood by volunteer employees. It will be provided to more than 200 of medical institutions for blood transfusion.

July 1, 2017 Japan Volleyball Class

The 4th junior volleyball class in Gunma Prefecture took place at Ikuei Junior College and the members of Sanden women’s volleyball team gave coaching to 40 students of the city.

June 24, 2017 Japan Volleyball Class Inviting Top Athletes

The members of Sanden women’s volleyball team and Fujitsu Ten Red Phoenix visited Ishigami Junior High School in Minamisoma City, Fukushima Prefecture to teach 73 students as part of supports for the reconstruction from The Great East Japan Earthquake.

June 13, 2017 Germany JP Morgan Charity Run

18 employees of Sanden International (Europe) Ltd. German Branch (SGB) participated in JP Morgan Charity Run in Frankfurt. 250,000 euros donation from 2,419 of all participating companies will be used for sports project for people with disabilities.

June 4, 2017 Japan Clean Up Activity around Lake Onuma at the top of Mt. Akagi-yama

220 people from Sanden Group including their families participated in the annual clean up activity around Lake Onuma at the top of Mt. Akagi-yama

May 28, 2017 Japan Spring Clean Up Activity

82 people from Sanden Group participated in the annual spring clean up activity around Hashienuma Interchange in Gunma prefecture. 170 kg of trash was collected through the activity.

May 19, 2017 The USA SIA Promotes Lupus Awareness

Sanden International (U.S.A.) Inc. (SIA) employees wore purple in support of lupus awareness.

April 23, 2017 Germany Charity Walk

12 employees of Sanden International (Europe) Ltd. German Branch (SGB) participated in charity walk for supporting the Child Protection Association which took place in Konigstein city of Germany.

March 26, 2017 Japan The Certificate of Appreciation for Supporting the Restoration of the Earthquake

Sanden Holdings Corporation received the certificate of appreciation for five-year cooperation of “Earthquake Revival Project” in Higashi Matsushima city, the area hit by the Great East Japan Earthquake.

March 25, 2017 Japan Clean Up Activity and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

20 employees of Sanden Business Expert Corporation participated in the clean up activity around Sanden Global Center as a community contribution activity called adopting program in Isesaki city. On the same day, Sanden BE organized the cardiopulmonary resuscitation training for employees in order for them to give emergency medical care in case of natural disasters and accidents.

March 10, 2017 Philippines Tree Planting Activity

Automotive Air-conditioning Technology Philippines, Inc. (ATP) participated in Tree Planting Activity organized by City Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO) and donated 110 trees.

February 3, 2017 Italy Donation for the Reconstruction of the School in Amatrice

SandenVendo Europe S.p.A (SVE) and Sanden International (Europe) Ltd. (SIE) donated 10,000 euros for the reconstruction of the school in Amatrice which was destroyed by the earthquake.

January 30, 2017 Thailand Donation of Uncooked Rice

Sanden (Thailand) Co., Ltd.(STC) donated 500 kilograms of uncooked rice through Ayutthaya’s governor to the area affected by the flood disaster.

January 26-28, 2017 Philippines CSR Project

Automotive Air-conditioning Technology Philippines, Inc. (ATP) participated in the CSR Project of Carmelray Industrial Park at Banaue Rice Terraces. ATP donated 150,000.00 peso, school supplies and cleaning materials.

January 27, 2017 Thailand Donation of Old Desk Calendars

Sanden (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (STC) donated 200 of old desk calendars to the Foundation for the blind people. These calendars will be used as instructional materials for blind students in Thailand.

January 13, 2017 Poland Registration of Potential Bone Marrow Donors

SITECH organized the registration of potential bone marrow donors. 16 employees from Sanden Manufacturing Poland sp. z o.o.(SMP) took the opportunity to register their data.


November 25, 2016 Italy Donation for Amatrice: New School Project

Sanden group donated to the devastated area hit by the central Italy earthquake on August 24. Donation will be allocated for construction of schools in devastated Amatrice.

November 11, 2016 Thailand Blood Donation

In cooperation with the Red Cross in Ayutthaya, Sanden (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (STC) held Blood donation activity and 26,100 CC from many employees were provided as well as body donation from two STC employees.

November 5, 2016 Japan Volleyball Class

Sanden women’s volleyball team held the volleyball class for 47 students of the city at Ikuei Junior College to give them coaching.

September 17, 2016 Japan Parents and Children Try! Robot School in Sanden Forest

Sanden Holdings held “Robot School in Sanden Forest”. It provides an opportunity for parents and children in Maebashi city to learn the fun of creating and manufacturing. 24 groups were invited out of 120 groups of applicants to the event.

August 15, 2016 the USA 4th Annual Isesaki City Student Visit

65 students from Isesaki city and 15 teachers visited Sanden International (U.S.A.) Inc. (SIA) on the way home from English classes at the University of Missouri. The students toured the facility – parts manufacturing, assembly, and quality control.

August 13,2016 Japan Volleyball Class

Sanden women’s volleyball team held the volleyball class for 62 students in the city of Numata for the purpose of friendship. The team also participated in the cleanup activity every morning during the 3 days of staying.

August 11, 2016 Thailand Mother’s Day

Sanden (Thailand) Co., Ltd. held the mother’s day activities at Blind school in Lopuri province. The blind students performed Thai dance and mother’s song contest to welcome our team.

June 23, 2016 Thailand Campaign against Drugs

Sanden Thailand Co.,Ltd. joined the anti-drug parade which was organized by Department of Labor protection and welfare of Ayutthaya on the International day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking.

June 5, 2016 Japan Clean Up Activity around Lake Onuma at the top of Mt. Akagi-yama

280 people from Sanden group including their families participated in the annual clean up activity around Lake Onuma at the top of Mt. Akagi-yama.

April 16, 2016 Italy Green Children Project

SandenVendo Europe S.p.A. donated an Interactive Multimedia Whiteboard to the local elementary school of Pontestura as part of “Green Children Project”.

February 27, 2016 Germany Clean Up Activity

Sanden International (Europe) Ltd. German Branch participated in the annual clean up activity organized by the city of Bad Nauheim.


October 8, 2015 Poland SMP in Clean up the World 2015

Representatives of most of Sanden Manufacturing Poland sp. z o.o. departments participated in “Clean up the World” activities organized by HSE section. This year, main focus was put on our role in keeping the environment clean.

September 20, 2015 France Life’s Marathon

Since 2012, Sanden Manufacturing Europe S.A.S. and Sanden Environmental Solutions is used to participate to a humanitarian marathon whose donations aims at cancer fight.

July 24, 2015 Thailand Blood donation

In cooperation with the red cross in Ayutthaya, Sanden (Thailand) Co., Ltd. held the Blood donation activity.

July 7, 2015 France Promoting Environment

Sanden manufacturing Europe worked on “composting” waste from cooking to save energy and costs.

June 26, 2015 Thailand Campaign Against Using Drugs

Sanden (Thailand) Co., Ltd. joined the anti drug parade organized by Department of Labor Protection and Welfare of Ayuthaya.

June 17, 2015 Germany Charity Run Race in Frankfurt

Sanden International (Europe) Ltd. German Branch participated JP Morgan Charity run in Frankfurt. SGB 16 employees run 5.6 km downtown Frankfurt with more than 70, 000 starters in the Event.

June 17, 2015 Thailand Green Wave 2015

Sanden (Thailand) Co., Ltd. conducted Green Wave 2015 campaign.

June 16, 2015 Malaysia Green Wave 2015

Sanden Airconditioning (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. conducted tree-planting activity as a part of Green Wave 2015.

June 15, 2015 Philippines Green Wave 2015

In celebration of Environment Month, Automotive Air-conditioning Technolo gy Philippines, Inc. conducted Sanden’s “Green Wave 2015 – Tree Planting Activity”.

June 15, 2015 Italy Environment Contribution Day

Employees of SandenVendo Europe S.p.A. planted a tree “Linden” for participation to “Green Wave 2015”.

June 13, 2015 Japan Lecture for Junior High School Students of Isesaki City

Sanden supports overseas training program for junior high school students in cooperating with Education Board of Isesaki City. A Sanden employee gave a lecture to tell importance to learn from and respect other cultures though communicating with people from different countries before visiting Sanden International (U.S.A.) Inc. as overseas training program.

June 3, 2015 Poland 9th Edition of “Safer with us” Contest

Sanden Manufacturing Poland sp. z o.o. donated Sanden logo goods for award prize to an activity “Safer with us” for students from Polkowice county primary schools.

May 31, 2015 Japan Clean Up Activity in Akagi Onuma Pond

221 employees joined clean up activity to clean up Akagi Onuma(pond) held by Gumma ministry of Environment.

May 30, 2015 Poland Children Day in Karpie

Sanden Manufacturing Poland sp. z o.o. supported “Children Day picnic”, organized by citizens of small village Karpie, and donated Sanden logo goods for award prize for children.

May 27, 2015 America Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund

Massive earthquake of magnitude 7.8 on the Richter scale shook the beautiful Himalayan country on April 25th. Following the earthquake, SandenVendo America Inc. took immediate action by announcing “Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund”, and made donation gathered from employees and company.

May 21-22, 2015 Thailand Official Sponsor to Raise Fund for People with Low Vision Disability

Sanden (Thailand) Co., Ltd. sponsored the mini marathon to raise fund for Thailand low vision association.

April 19, 2015 Germany Joined Charity Walk Event

Sanden International (Europe) Ltd. German Branch joined a charity walk in the city of Königstein/Germany to support a children's hospice called "Bärenherz" ("bear's heart") in Wiesbaden. This hospice takes care for children who suffer from a life-shortening sickness and also supports their parents.

April 18, 2015 Taiwan 2015 Earth Day

Sanden International Taiwan Corporation held an event “2015 Earth Day” to clean Sing Long Elementary School, located in Miaoli County.

March 22, 2015 Malaysia Participates THIRSTY RUNNER 2015

Sanden Airconditioning (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. employees participated THIRSTY RUNNER 2015.

March 3, 2015 Philippine Donation of Blood

Automotive Air-conditioning Technology Philippines, Inc. held event of blood donation. 29 employees joined this event, and about 13,050cc were donated to “Philippine Children Medical Hospital”.

February 16, 2015 Taiwan Accepted Students of Kyoai Gakuen University

Students of Kyoai Gakuen University visited Sanden International Taiwan Corporation. They walked in the factory and learned its business as communicating with local staff and Japanese expatriate.

February 6, 2015 America Wear Red Day

Wear Red Day is sponsored by the American Heart Association. Currently, 1 in 3 women die of heart disease in the U.S. Wear Red Day reminds us all to take care of our hearts.

January 22, 2015 Malaysia Donation for the Flood

Employees of SAM donated for family who got damage by the flood which happened at the end of 2014.

January 19, 2015 Thailand Donated old calendars to blind student

Sanden (Thailand) Co., Ltd. donated the old desktop calendars to blind student through Foundation for the Blind in Thailand.

January 10, 2015 Thailand Children’s Day Celebration

Sanden (Thailand) Co., Ltd. donated 100 pieces of original towels to “ Ban Jampa School ,“ and made a donation to “Uthai Police station “ who support for children.

January 9, 2015 Singapore Accepted High School Students of Gunma

20 high school students of Gunma prefecture who are interested in English and working in other countries visited Sanden International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.


December 18,23, 2014 Japan Christmas Concert at Facility for the Handicapped People

Sanden Music Club attended Christmas concert at “Tenkeien” , a facility for the handicapped people. They sang Christmas songs, and about 100 people enjoyed the concert.

December 23, 2014 Poland Cause a smile for a PENNY

Sanden Manufacturing Poland sp. z o.o. started a new charity activity called ‘Cause a smile for a PENNY’ which employees donate defined amount of money deducted from their salary each month and put into a special bank account.

December 13, 2014 Poland Noble Box Project

Noble Box Project is charity activity for families who need support. Employees of Sanden Manufacturing Poland sp. z o.o. volunteered to organize this activity.

November 29, 2014 Japan SANDEN Kids Soccer Festival

“SANDEN Kids Soccer Festival”, inviting children age under 6, was held at Sanden Football Park.

November 15,16, 2014 Japan ECO Festival Taito 2014

Sanden Holdings Corporation joined ECO Festival Taito 2014. This festival is held to think Environmental Issue in Taito-ku, and we had some boards to explain activities ofSanden Forest and Craft work which used wood coaster.

November 13, 2014 Thailand Donated for repairing old school building

Sanden (Thailand) Co., Ltd. donated some money which got at charity golf tournament which was held on October 18. It was used for repairing old school building.

October 18, 2014 Thailand Charity Golf Tournament with Suppliers

Sanden (Thailand) Co., Ltd. held charity golf tournament for poor school in Ayutthaya. 83 people including suppliers joined this event, and money which got will donate for the school.

September 16, 2014 Japan Donation of Blood

Sanden Holdings Corporation held event of donation of blood. 37 employees joined this event, and about 1,200 ml were donated.

August 27, 2014 Thailand Lecture for Japanese University Students

Sanden (Thailand) Co., Ltd. accepted students of Takasaki City University of Economics, and had a lecture about CSR activities based on Environment.

August 26, 2014 Thailand Accepted 80 Japanese University Students

Sanden (Thailand) Co., Ltd. accepted 80 Japanese University Students and had plant tour and explanation about Global business in Thailand.

August 13, 2014 America Accepted Japanese Junior High School Students of Isesaki City

Sanden International (U.S.A.) Inc.(SIA). welcomed 65 students and 15 teachers and officials from Isesaki City. We started to accept them from last year. Students could understand how does products made at factory, and communicate with employees in English.

July 23, 2014 Japan Live Meeting with America

Sanden Holdings Corporation held live meeting between junior high school students of Isesaki city and Sanden International (U.S.A.) Inc.(SIA). Board of education of Isesaki city make occasion to study for 2 weeks in America to high school students. SIA has accepted their visiting since August 2013. We made communication between students and SIA before visiting with using TV conference system.

July 22, 2014 Thailand Donated The 2nd Hand Computers and Sport Equipment for Children

Sanden (Thailand) Co., Ltd. donated the 2nd hand computers and sport equipment to poor students at Ban Koi Thon School in Ayutthaya.

July 19, 2014 Poland Charity for Bone Marrow Donor

Sanden Manufacturing Poland sp. z o.o. attend and donated for Volleyball tournament event of Bone Marrow Donor.

June 28, 2014 Poland Charity Event for Children

Sanden Manufacturing Poland sp. z o.o. held charity event for children of orphanage, and invited representatives of our suppliers, local companies, authorities and friends of foster care facility. We prepare some gifts and pictures written by children, and sold. Its benefit will be used for children’s summer trip.

June 28, 2014 Poland Health Day in Glogow

Sanden Manufacturing Poland sp. z o.o. donated a set of Sanden logo goods to be distributed during Health Day which was organized by authorities and city hospital in Glogow.

June 26, 2014 Mexico Donated to Food for the Raining Disaster

Sanden Mexicana S.A. de C.V. donated food for people who got damage from raining disaster.

June 24, 2014 Thailand Award for drug free in the work place

Sanden (Thailand) Co., Ltd. joined the anti-drug parade which is related to international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking (June 26), and got award in form of “white factory project” which means clean from drug in the workplace.

May 22-23, 2014 Poland 4th Human Resources Forum

Employee of Sanden Manufacturing Poland sp. z o.o. invited for 4th Human Resources Forum and gave a presentation on “positive” staff turn-over on Assembly Line.

May 15, 2014 Poland Firefighters Day in Polkowice

Sanden Manufacturing Poland sp. z o.o. donated small toys with Sanden logo and fire brigade emergency number for the firefighter’s festival which local school students attended.

April 28, 2014 Italy Green Children Project

SandenVendo Europe S.p.A. (SVE) accepted elementary students to introduce a local production business as Phase Ⅱ activity of “Green Children Project”.
*SVE’s employees visited elementary school to have lecture on April 2nd as Phase Ⅰ.

April 26,27, 2014 Japan Workshop of Volleyball for students

Sanden Holdings Corporation’s volleyball players held workshop of volleyball for children who live in the disaster area of the Great East Japan Earthquake. This is the second time to held workshop in this area.

April 22, 2014 France Green Plant Project

Sanden Manufacturing Europe S.A.S. started Green Plant project which is activity for environmental issue such as energy, water, waste and biodiversity, from September. Under the project, the first action biodiversity was set up at this time.

April 15, 2014 America Assisted Local Food Bank

The employees of Sanden International (U.S.A.) Inc. Detroit Regional Office went to work helping fold bags for the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive. The bags are used to collect food for the bank, and distributed to families in need.

April 5, 2014 France Offered Soccer Jersey to a Local Power Chair Football Team

Sanden Manufacturing Europe S.A.S. offered soccer jersey to a local power chair football team. Children played with the jersey at the Brittany Championship.

April 2, 2014 Italy Green Children Project

Original character of the Project

SandenVendo Europe S.p.A.(Italy)started “Green Children Project” for elementary school students. This program give awareness of Social, Ethical and Sustainable behavior with two modules: “ENERGY SAVING” “ENVIRONMENT RESPECT” as using Crossword, Maze and Puzzle Quiz.

March 27, 2014 Poland Discussion about Ethical Management Systems of HR

Sanden Manufacturing Poland Sp.z o.o.’s employee joined panel discussion about Ethical Management Systems of HR and Social Accountability 8000.

* Social Accountability 8000
SA8000 is the standard of SAI which is American evaluation association of CSR.

March 25-27, 2014 Poland Introduced STQM Activities at 4th Open Lean Conference

Employee of Sanden Manufacturing Poland sp. z o.o. presented about STQM activity at 4th Open Lean Conference which was held in Poznan. We introduced QC Circles activity and QC story approach, and got great impression from the audiences.

March 18, 2014 Japan Cleaning Activity

Sanden Holdings Corporation joined cleaning activity and joined monthly cleaning activities as “Oedo-Cleaning-Association” which is our area's cleaning association. At this time, we did not only clean our city, but also handed pocket tissues and cigarette butt pouches.

March 15, 2014 Japan Workshop of Volleyball for Junior High School Students

Sanden Holdings Corporation held workshop of volleyball for junior high school students. It is held for development of volleyball, and 15 Sanden’s volleyball players attended as trainers. 142 students who came from 11 different schools enjoyed the workshop.

March 14, 2014 Thailand Environmental Management System

Sanden (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. accepted professors of Keio University(Japanese University) and Phd. Students of Chulalongorn University(Thai University), and introduced Environmental Management System.

March 14, 2014 Japan Donation For Philippines

Sanden Holdings Corporation sent money to Japanese Red Cross Society as donation for typhoon which happened on Nov 2013.

March 10, 2014 Thailand For the Industries in Ayuthaya

Sanden (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. (STC) accepted 50 students and 6 instructors from Rajamangala University of Technology Suvanabhumi, and introduced factory and business of STC as cooperation for The Federation of Thai Industries of Ayuthaya and Ayuthaya Technology Center.

March 6, 2014 Thailand Japanese University Students Visited STC

Sanden (Thailand) Co.,Ltd.(STC) accepted 10 students from Maebashi Kyoai Gakuen University, and introduced factory and business of STC.

February 7, 2014 America "Wear Red Day"

Sanden International (U.S.A.) Inc. (SIA) assisted the American Heart Association in their 10th anniversary celebration of "Wear Red Day". Wear Red Day brings awareness to the growing incidents of heart disease in women. SIA’s nurse joined discussion about importance of maintaining a healthy blood pressure to avoid major health issues like stroke and heart attack, and give some educational information.

January 27,2014 Thailand Donation for Temple in Ayutthaya

Sanden (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. donated unused lamps to temple in Ayutthaya. Those will be used for Public by monks.

January 25,2014 Germany Commendation from minister of environment in Dresden

Employee of Sanden International (Europe) Ltd. German Branch received commendation for volunteer activity of flood which happened on May 2013.

January 12,2014 Thailand Donation for Blind Students

Sanden (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. donated calendars to blind student through Foundation for the Blind in Thailand. Those will be used for making Braille cards or their education.


December 23,2013 Japan Christmas Present for Children in Fukushima

Sanden Holdings Corporation held Workshop of Volleyball for Junior High School Students who were experienced the Great East Japan Earthquake. Sanden’s employees who belonged to Volleyball Club were teachers, and this workshop was held as Assistance to Affected Areas.

December 28,2013 Taiwan Annual Cleaning Activity

Sanden International Taiwan Corporation’s employees and their family did annual cleaning activity. There was a lecture about separating rubbish by the cleaning association “Dayuan Township office” before the activity.

December 8,2013 Philippine Donation for victims of the Typhoon

Automotive Air-conditioning Technology Philippines, Inc. donated foods, medicine, clothes, toys and cash money which were donated by its employees to the victims of Typhoon Haiyan through the ABS-CBN Foundation.

December 5,2013 Philippine Donation for Orphanage

Automotive Air-conditioning Technology Philippines, Inc.’s employee volunteers went to Orphanage “Children Joy Foundation” having donation which are cash and food, and played with children there.

November 30,2013 Japan Mechanical Class

Sanden Holdings Corporation held an event “Mechanical class” held by NPO.
Children who are from different countries joined the event, and learned about mechanical technology of our products.

November 25 2013 Japan Lecture about “Global Life” at School

SANDEN employee had a lecture about his experience of expatriate at Japanese Junior high school and University. Both schools offered SANDEN to create global person through hearing real experience.

November 23,2013 Poland Invitation for Children from Local Foster Home

President of Sanden Manufacturing Poland Sp.z.o.o. was invited to local foster home for National Education Day celebration. This has meaning of thankful for charity activity for this foster home.

November 22 and 23,2013 Poland Students of Local Vocational School Visited SMP

Sanden Manufacturing Poland Sp.z.o.o. was visited by students from Mechatronics Technical School operating of Vocational Schools in Chocianow.

November 21,2013 Poland Noble Box Project

Sanden Manufacturing Poland Sp.z.o.o. started to join “Noble Box Project” which is charity association. We donate for the families who need financial help in Polkowice area.

November 21,2013 Poland Lecture about “Global Communication at Japanese Company”

Sanden Manufacturing Poland Sp.z.o.o. employees talked about “Global Communication at Japanese Company” at HR Forum among companies of Polish Lower Silesia region.

October 20, 2013 Japan Charity Concert for the Great East Japan Earthquake

Charity Concert for the Great East Japan Earthquake was held at Sanden Communication Plaza. All participants enjoyed Japanese traditional musical instrument, and part of its entrance fee was contributed.

October 17, 2013 Thailand Donation for School library

Sanden (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. contributed cash through provincial council of Ayuthaya to build up the school library for student in the poor communities area.

October 17, 2013 Thailand Support for Tree Planting

Sanden (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. joined event of agricultural department in Ayuthaya to distribute the little seedlings to employees to take home for planting. Almost 300 employees were received and planted.

October 15, 2013 Thailand Blood Donation

Sanden (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. organized the blood donation activity at company, and 80 volunteer employees Joined the event.

October 13, 2013 Japan Project for children of Fukushima

72 elementary school children from Fukushima prefecture which is one of the Great East Japan played in Sanden Forest as making secret base.

September 27, 2013 UK Charity Event for Cancer Support

Sanden International (Europe) Ltd. held a charity event which is called “World biggest coffee morning” at the company. We put some cakes which were made by employees and cafe for employees and people who came to the company. The sale was donated to cancer support association.

September 25, 2013 Malaysia Blood Donation

Sanden Air Conditioning (Malaysia) Sdn.Bhd.held Blood Donation activity.

September 20, 2013 Poland “Cleanup the World 2013” in Polkowice

Employees of Sanden Manufacturing Poland Sp.z.o.o. took part in global „Cleanup the World Day” on September 20th. This year we concentrated on green areas surrounding our company.

September 20, 2013 Poland Academic Days of Entrepreneurship in Glogow

Employees of Sanden Manufacturing Poland Sp.z.o.o.(SMP) introduced SMP’s business and activities at job training school in Glogow which is the city in Poland.

September 15, 2013 France Marathon of life-race 2013

26 employees of Sanden Manufacturing Europe S.A.S. took part in a marathon race (from 8km to 14km) organized by public bodies fighting against cancer, and donated over 500€ to the association.

June 26, 2013 Poland Present of Summertime Travel for children in orphanages

Sanden Manufacturing Poland Sp.z o.o. produced calendars with the cooperation of the children in the orphanages, and its sale wad used to enable the children to take a pleasure trip during the summer.

June 22 and 23, 2013 Thailand Big Cleaning Day

Sanden (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. cleanup at Tringan Temple which is in Ayutthaya as 5S activities for 2days. This activity’s theme is “Happy Temple, Happy Sanden”. June 22 is called “Visakha Puja Day” and 23 is called “Lent Day”, and both of 2 days are important for Buddhists in Thailand.

June 13, 2013 Japan Lecture “Dream and Hope” at elementary school

Sanden’s employee gave a lecture which is about Dream and Hope” at elementary school in Isesaki city. 140 children attended the lecture.

June 2, 2013 Japan Cleanup activity in Akagi

204 employees working at Akagi plant joined cleanup activity held by Gunma ministry of environment.

June 29, 2013 Italy Casale Cleaning Activity

Sanden Vendo Europe S.p.A (Italia) implemented cleaning activity in a park of Casale city. This activity is planned with Casale city, and we have received the Mayer’s appreciation.
We cleaned up 102kg of rubbish and 6kg plastic.

February 22, 2013 Japan Safety Exercise for foreigners in Sanden Football Park

We offered Sanden Football Park to Isesaki Police and Isesaki firefighter for cooperating Safety Exercise for foreigners. About 30 attendees practiced how to keep their safe by them.


December 8, 2012 Taiwan Annual Environmental Improvement Activity Day

December 8, 2012, is our annual Environmental Improvement Activity Day! The number of colleagues and their families who join us for the annual environmental improvement activity has been rising in recent years. Even a nine month old baby could not miss this exciting event. We had 69 participants, which including the staff from Taichung office, this year.
We chose the Shengsing Station, with an altitude of 402 meters on the record, as our new challenge this time. Shengsing Station has the highest altitude on the record among all of the train station in Taiwan.

October 27, 2012 Poland Award for SMP employee

On October 27th SMP employee Barbara Przybylowicz was awarded with Medal for Merit to Rudna Mine for her merits in voluntary blood donation, promotion of blood donation idea and social activities.Barbara recently was also awarded with the Badge of Distinguished Voluntary Blood Donor by Polish Red Cross.

September 2, 2012 Japan Cleaning up Ishikarishinkou

2 September, employees of Hokkaido Branch attended an activity of cleaning the bay, Ishikarishinkou. This is 34th activity and they has joined it for more than 10years.
As a result of continuous activity,rubbishes are becoming unseen these days and trucks which recall them are getting decreased.

July 28, 2012 Italy Cleaning up Casale cityhall and its park

SandenVendo Europe S.p.A. in Casale Monferrato as by tradition continue the collaboration between Sanden and Casale cityhall on Saturday 28 July 2012, employees together cleaned up eight parks and children playgrounds.

May 12, 2012 France Attending local marathon race

Sanden Manufacturing Europe S.A.S. attended local marathon called ‘Redadeg’ This is a relay race which tours Brittany for the promotion of the Breton language. Participants pass a stick containing a message, which is read on arrival. This has taken place every two years since 2008. A total of 1500 km were covered continuously, day and night, from May 12 to 19 from Brest to Douarnenez (all around Brittany). The symbol of the stick is the transmission of Breton linguistic heritage from generation to generation. 20 employees attended in this year.

April 13, 2012 Malaysia Donating paper carton boxes to charity for recycling

Sanden Air Conditioning (Malaysia) Sdn.Bhd.* used to sell its paper carton boxes to recycling companies. Now, the company channels them to charity.
Last July, the company "adopted" three recycling bins from the Beautiful Gate Foundation. "Instead of selling boxes to recycling companies which make a profit out of it, we decided to donate the boxes to charity," said Sanden managing director Haruhiko Oshima. By doing this, we not only help to take care of the environment, but also help those in need," he said, adding that the company collected up to two tons of paper carton boxes per month. Adding the program would help to generate income for education and training services for disabled children.

February 26, 2012 Philippines Attending local marathon competition

40 employees of Automotive Air-conditioning Technology Philippines, Inc.* attended Fun Run. The fun run was organized by Don Bosco Technical School and was held simultaneously in the different places of the country. Proceeds of the activity will be used for the different projects of the technical school.


December , 2011 Poland Plant tour for Junior high school students

Local junior high school students and their teachers visited Sanden Manufacturing Poland Sp.z.o.o. in December 2011. After hearing short lecture by Plant Manager they observed compressor production process on the shopfloor. Some of the boys enjoyed the trip so much they decided that they declared they want to work in DC shop after graduation.

November 19, 2011 Taiwan Cleaning activity

Employees of Sanden International Taiwan and families cleaned up Sinwu Township, Taoyuan. Sanden International Taiwan makes an activities for local community every year.

November 16, 2011 Singapore Book prize presentation ceremony

Every year Sanden International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. raised fund to support needy students of Teck Ghee Primary School through book prize, pocket money, books, and enrichment lessons.
2011 we presented the book prize to 48 needy students those had done well during their school term.

November , 2011 Thailand Flood Relief Operation

November 2011, during the floods, SIC donated water, foods, boats, portable toilets, the local communities. SIC prepared foods by itself and delivered to the local people who were stranded in the flood.

July 27, 2011 Japan Joining in Oedo cleaning corps and cleaned local areas

Sanden Holdings Corporation are registered in Oedo cleaning corps. Employees attended the cleaning campaign and picked up rubbishes and enlightened not to throw away.

July 4, 2011 Malaysia Industrial Trainee

For FY2011, Sanden International (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.* accepted 3 industrial trainee as part of our contribution to the society and community.

June 11, 2011 China Technical communication

June 11, 2011, Sanden (Shanghai) Automotive Air-Conditioning Co., Ltd.*held a technical communication in Changan technical center and more than 100 engineers attended and were presented our business profile and products at the event.

March 23, 2011 Singapore Donation to the Japan Disaster Relief 2011

On 23 March 2011 a donation of S$134,000 to Secretary-General of The Japanese Association, Singapore. This donation was sent to Singapore Red Cross Society for the Japan Disaster Relief.