Management of hazardous substances

In Line with Our Fundamental Policy of Reducing the Amount of Hazardous Substances in Our Products, We Are Promoting the Creation of Chemical Substance Management Systems.

Management of Hazardous Substances

As a global company, Sanden will conduct its manufacturing operations based on a fundamental policy
of working to reduce the amounts of hazardous substances in its products by proactively responding to
such EU regulations as ELV*1, RoHS*2, and REACH*3.
Regarding the response to ELV and RoHS regulations, we have completely discontinued the use of regulated substances with the exception of a portion of lead-containing metals for which exemption items have been created.
Regarding the response to REACH regulations, we completed a preliminary registration before December 2008. We will move ahead with measures to build substance management systems in advance of measures to increase the strictness of related regulations. We have also introduced a system for gathering the latest information on chemical substances and supporting our responses to new regulations in Japan as well as overseas.
In FY2012, we introduced the new hazardous substances management system to promote more effective and efficient operation.

*1 The ELV regulations are automotive recycling regulations implemented by the EU in October 2000. They regulate the amount of lead, mercury, hexavalent chromium, and cadmium that may be used.
*2 The RoHS regulations are hazardous substance regulations implemented by the EU in July 2006. In principle, they prohibit the use in electric and electrical products within the EU of lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs).
In June 2015, four types of regulated substances such as phthalates were added, bringing the number of restricted substances to ten.
*3 The REACH regulations are EU regulations requiring manufacturers to undertake the registration of chemical substances, safety evaluations, usage restrictions, and usage permits. Implemented in June 2007, these regulations cover companies with a presence in the EU as well as companies that export to the EU.

Promotion of Green Procurement/Supply Activities

Suppliers participating in an MPS (Materials & Parts Supply) Meeting

Suppliers participating in an MPS (Materials & Parts Supply) Meeting

To respond positively to such global market developments as measures to increase the strictness of environmental regulations and require the management of certain substances, Sanden has drafted “Green supply guidelines.” Each supplier is being asked to operate environmental management systems (EMSs) covering all parts, materials, equipment, and services provided to Sanden and to undertake a wide range of management and regulations regarding specified substances.
Reflecting the review of various regulations, published the 9th edition of "Green supply guideline" in March 2024.

Management of Chemical Substances

In response to the global trend of increasing restrictions on the use of chemical substances, Sanden is striving to reduce its use of chemicals covered by Japan’s Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) system and comply with relevant laws and regulations by engaging in diverse activities designed to progressively diminish its use of problematic chemicals.

Management of hazardous substances

Amount of PRTR-Designated Substances Handled and Released in FY2023