We will grow together with our suppliers as business partners who provide our customers with the best possible products, systems and services on the basis of fair and transparent relationships.
Fundamental Approach to Suppliers
In line with our focus on creating opportunities and reducing business risk, we will continue to promote co-creation activities throughout the supply chain while simultaneously encouraging our business partners to understand the CSR promotional activities in which the Sanden Group is engaged. Promoting the Sanden Group’s sustained global development requires the reliable and efficient supply of competitive materials and components. To ensure that it can obtain such supplies, Sanden is striving to build mutual trust with its suppliers as business partners.
Cooperation with Our Partners
As the mission of the purchasing function of the Sanden Group, we are active from a broad perspective not
only the “purchase = buy” viewpoint, but also in providing the reliable and efficient supply of
competitive materials and parts to the Group’s factories and customers around the world.
For the Group to continue to develop, it is essential to secure an efficient supply of competitive
materials and parts from suppliers. To that end, we strive globally to build true partnerships with our
business partners based
Sanden Group Supplier Fundamental Principles
The fundamental principles for the Sanden Group’s suppliers are posted on the website in Japanese,
English, and Chinese.
Group Supplier Fundamental Principles (Eng)(PDF:425KB)
Group Supplier Fundamental Principles (Chn)(PDF:446KB)
Group Supplier Fundamental Principles (Jpn)(PDF:1,071KB)
Sanden Group Green Supply Guidelines
These are Sanden Group's Green Supply Guidelines.
Supply Guidline (Eng)(PDF:260KB)
Supply Guidline (Chn)(PDF:721KB)
Supply Guidline (Jpn)(PDF:1,033KB)
Sanden's Policies and Approaches towards Conflict Minerals
The global Sanden Corporation and its subsidiaries are committed to procurement and use of materials and
components that are free from conflict minerals originating from the Democratic Republic of the Congo or
neighboring countries as these minerals may be related to illegal conduct including human rights
These activities have the aim of conducting procurement activities with
consideration for the impact on regional societies, and, thereby “use materials that will not be the
cause of human resource, environmental, or other problems.” We recognize that the issue of conflict
minerals originating from the Democratic Republic of the Congo or neighboring countries is an important
social issue within global supply chains. We have investigated and will continue to confirm our
compliance with this policy by retracing sources throughout our supply chains to confirm whether conflict
minerals are obtained or used. If usage of these conflict minerals is detected, we will immediately take
all appropriate steps to terminate procurement of materials that might cause social problems or enable the
financing of armed forces.
We request that our partners and suppliers share our company policies and conduct their own responsible
material procurement policy for mutually beneficial business relationships.
Enhancement of Partnership with Suppliers
■ Top management visits suppliers in Japan and abroad
To enhance trusting relationships with the Group’s suppliers, top executives visit suppliers in Japan and
abroad to strengthen communication with local staff and mutually enhance corporate value.
< FY2023 Achievements>
Plan: 20 companies Actual: 21 companies
Plan: 20 companies Actual: 19 companies
Deployment of CSR Procurement
As a member of both the international community and local communities, the Sanden Group and its business
partners must develop a range of activities in harmony with society and fulfill its corporate and social
responsibilities. In line with this, we act and promote CSR procurement based on the fundamental
principles for suppliers.
■ Respond to requirements in relation to corporate social responsibility issues such as human rights and
environmental protection
■ Respond to requirements in relation to corporate ethics such as compliance with related laws and
international rules
■ Respond to requirements in relation to safety and health management, and business continuity plans for
such events as natural disasters
■ Respond to requirements in relation to management systems in areas such as quality, environment,
chemical substances
In addition, to confirm that suppliers are in compliance with the basic principles, we conduct on-site
surveys of business partners and their suppliers, where possible.
Promoting Fair and Transparent Transactions with Suppliers
Sanden is engaged in business activities at the global level and has dealings with world–class
companies. The Company and its suppliers are members of the international and local communities, and as
such, there is a collective understanding in the Company that all actions must remain in harmony with
society. We must also be steadfast in fulfilling our role as good corporate citizens, working together
with local communities in meeting our corporate responsibilities to society. Based on this understanding,
Sanden has positioned "harmony with society" and "good corporate citizen" as the primary principles of its
corporate philosophy.
Sanden will grow together with our suppliers as business partners who
provide our customers with the best possible products, systems and services on the basis of fair and
transparent relationships. To accomplish this, the Company has put in place a set of fundamental
principles (a code of conduct) that outline essential requirements and is calling on all suppliers to
adhere strictly to these guidelines.
Global Supply Risk Management For Suppliers
To avert supply risk, Sanden has put together a fiscal 2013 version of its basic agreement, which incorporates various requirements that cover a broad range of categories, including, provisions relating to CSR (social ethics), business continuity plans, and environmental preservation.Implementation of the agreements for domestic suppliers commenced around March 2014. New agreements for individual overseas bases were completed during fiscal 2014 and are being implemented in fiscal 2015.
Supplier health and safety management
For its key business partners, Sanden inspects and confirms the status of their initiatives related to safety/health and environmental preservation with the aims of minimizing risks related to safety/health and the environment as well as making improvements in these areas to ensure the safety and health of all persons along the supply chain. These activities, which have been conducted in the Sanden Group since fiscal 2016, are also intended to help create pleasant working environments and further activities to increase business efficiency
Investigation status on conflict minerals
Survey table (SMRT) collection rate: 100%
(125 domestic suppliers: 85% of Sanden’s domestic transaction value in FY2023)
(Ratio of purchase amount from the above 125 domestic suppliers to the global purchase amount: 42.5%)
Expansion of Sanden Group Supplier Fundamental Principles and Green Supply Guidelines to Suppliers
Expansion rate: 89%
(161 domestic suppliers)
(Ratio of purchase amount from the above 161 domestic suppliers to the global purchases amount :
Initiatives toward Carbon Neutrality
The Sanden Group has been promoting CO2 reduction activities both internally and externally, with an eye
to achieving carbon neutrality by 2039.
In fiscal 2023, we held a briefing for our environmental initiatives, in which we explained our specific
goals and measures.
For this fiscal year, we intend to conduct supplier support activities as part of specific efforts toward
carbon neutrality.