- News ReleaseDev 14, 2020
A COVID-19 PCR Positive Found at Yattajima Plant of Sanden Holdings Corporation
Sanden Holdings Corporation (Representative Director and President: Katsuya Nishi; head office: Isesaki-shi, Gumma, Japan; hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) set up an emergency headquarters to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection, and has been carrying out necessary measures......
- IR NewsDec 11, 2020
We hereby announce an outline of the continuation second creditors’ meeting (creditors’ meeting for discussing the business revitalization plan) and third creditors’ meeting (creditors’ meeting for a resolution on the business revitalization plan) under the Turnaround ADR proceedings held today as follows:........
- IR NewsNov 09, 2020
We hereby provide notice concerning recording of the non-operating expenses including exchange loss and investment loss on equity method for the consolidated cumulative 2nd quarter of Fiscal 2021 started on April 1 and ended on September 30, 2020. The details are as follows.......
- IR NewsNov 06, 2020
Announce an outline of the second creditors' meeting under the Turnaround ADR procedure(PDF:149KB)
We hereby announce an outline of the second creditors’ meeting (creditors’ meeting for discussing the business revitalization plan) under the Turnaround ADR proceedings held today as follows........
- News ReleaseAug 19, 2020
Sanden Holdings Corporation (Sanden), in collaboration with Argo Graphics Inc. (Argo Graphics) and NEC Corporation (NEC), has introduced a Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) system that centrally manages the company’s design and manufacturing processes globally......
- IR NewsAug 06, 2020
Sanden Holdings Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) reported the extraordinary loss on expenses for suspension of operation in the consolidated cumulative 1st quarter (April 1 to June 30, 2020) of the fiscal year ending March, 2021 as follows........
- IR NewsJul 29, 2020
New Management Structure of Sanden Holdings Corporation(PDF:65KB)
Please be informed that the 94th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on July 29, 2020, as well as the Board of Directors and the Audit & Supervisory Board held on the same day, officially decided new management structure as follows........
- IR NewsJul 14, 2020
Today, at the 1st creditor meeting for business revitalization ADR procedures, with the attendance of all financial institutions that are eligible creditors, a resolution was made based on the procedure as follows........
- IR NewsJul 09, 2020
Notice Regarding Reduction of Executive Compensation(PDF:28KB)
Please be informed that we have taken the current severe business conditions seriously and decided to reduce the executive compensation as follows........
- IR NewsJun 30, 2020
Sanden Holdings Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) announces the difference between the earnings forecast for Fiscal 2019 announced on November 6, 2019 and the actual results released today as below........
- IR NewsJun 30, 2020
The board of directors of Sanden Holdings Corporation resolved today to partially change the candidates for board of directors nominated at the board of directors meeting held on March 23, 2020, and nominate the candidates for auditor as follows........
- IR NewsJun 30, 2020
Sanden Holding Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) decided to introduce the ‘Measures against Large Block Acquisition of the Company’s Shares (Takeover Defense Measures)’ (hereinafter referred to as this ’Plan’) at the board of directors meeting held on May 26, 2008, and received approval of the shareholders in the 82nd ordinary general shareholders meeting held on June 24, 2008........
- IR NewsJun 30, 2020
Application for Turnaround ADR and Acceptance of the Application(PDF:171KB)
Sanden Holdings Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) hereby announces as follows that it has resolved at the board of directors meeting held today to file applications for the Turnaround ADR Proceedings.We formally requested to Japanese Association of Turnaround Professionals today and accepted on same day........
- IR NewsJun 19, 2020
We decided the schedules of the announcement of consolidated financial results for Fiscal 2019 and the 94th ordinary general shareholders meeting at the board of directors meeting held today........
- News ReleaseMay 27, 2020
In view of the adverse influence of the global spread of COVID-19 to the supply chain and the significant decline in global demand, Sanden Holdings Corporation (Representative Director and President: Katsuya Nishi; head office: Isesaki-shi, Gunma, Japan) has decided to continue production adjustment and stand down its employees at its domestic plants. The details are as follows......
- IR NewsMay 27, 2020
Notice of Setting of the Record Date of 94th Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting(PDF:155KB)
As announced in the ‘Notice Concerning Postponement of Announcement of Consolidated Financial Results for Fiscal 2019 and 94th Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting’ released on April 24th, 2020, we decided to change the record date for exercising voting rights at the 94th ordinary general shareholders meeting due to the global pandemic of COVID-19.In the board of directors meeting held today, the record date was decided as the following items, it was also decided that the shareholders listed or recorded in the final shareholder register at the same day can exercise voting rights at the 94th ordinary general shareholders meeting.......
- News ReleaseApr 30, 2020
In view of the adverse influence of the global spread of COVID-19 to the supply chain and the significant decline in global demand, Sanden Holdings Corporation (Representative Director and President: Katsuya Nishi; head office: Isesaki-shi, Gunma, Japan) has decided to continue production adjustment and stand down its employees at its domestic plants further to the previous one announced on April 14th. The details are as follows.....
- IR NewsApr 24, 2020
We would like to express our sincere sympathy to the individuals suffering with COVID-19 and those who are forced to live in a difficult condition due to the infection spread.
Due to the global pandemic of COVID-19, we have decided to postpone the announcement of consolidated financial results for Fiscal 2020, which was planned to announce on May 11th, 2020. ......
- News ReleaseApr 14, 2020
Domestic plant’s production adjustment in the situation of the New corona virus infection spread.
Sanden Holdings Corporation (Headquarter: Isesaki city Gunma prefecture, representative director: Katsuya Nishi) is scheduling to do domestic plant’s production adjustment, also having the employees of the below plant a temporary release from work.....
- IR NewsApr 10, 2020
Impact of the Spread of COVID-19 on the Financial Results etc.(PDF:231KB)
We notify you of the impacts of the global pandemic of COVID-19 on the financial results for Fiscal 2019, started April 1, 2019 and ended March 31, 2020, announcement thereof, and holding of a general shareholders’ meeting......
- IR NewsMar 23, 2020
Announcement of Appointment of Directors candidates and corporate officers(PDF:49KB)
At the board of directors meeting held today, Sanden Holdings Corporation named candidates for election to the position of Board of Directors. The candidates are selected based on a proposal from the Executive Nomination and Compensation Committee, a voluntary advisory committee to the Board of Directors which is chaired by an independent outside director......