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‘Collaborative Creation’ at Immediate Area of Customer Sanden Opened Chengdu Factory
June 25, 2019

Branch factory of Tianjin Sanden Automotive Air-Conditioning Co., Ltd.
in Chengdu, Sichuan, China

 In June 2019, Sanden Automotive Climate Systems Corporation (Representative Director and President: Tadashi Kondo) (SDAS) opened a new factory (Chengdu Factory) as a branch factory of Tianjin Sanden Automotive Air-Conditioning Co., Ltd., the joint venture company with Tianjin Xihuan Automobile Muffler Group Co., Ltd.

 The Chengdu Factory, of which site area is 6,500 square meters, is located in Chengdu, Sichuan, China, and has a three-story plant building with total area of 6,400 square meters, in which annual HVAC*1 production capacity of 300 thousand units is provided. The mass-production of HVAC for new SUV*2 of the foreign automobile manufacturer in China will be started in September.

 As one of the key measures of the mid-term management plan (SCOPE 2023)*3, Sanden group is working on comprehensive reorganization of global production system to meet the changes in market environment and customer needs. We intend to enhance our capability of developing new technologies by making proactive proposals from near customer.

*1: HVAC = Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning unit
*2: SUV = Sport Utility Vehicle
*3: Mid-term management plan (SCOPE 2023)
Browse to https://www.sanden.co.jp/ir/management/basic.html for further details.
Consolidated management objectives to be achieved in the fiscal year 2023
Net sales: 320 billion yen; Operating income to sales: 5%; Capital adequacy rate: 25%
- 5 reform plans -
・ S for ‘Structure’: Comprehensive reform of production system
・ C for ‘Collaboration’: Growth with ‘collaborative creation’
・ O for ‘Organization’: Reform in system for implementation
・ P for ‘Profitability’: Enhancement of basic earning power
・ E for ‘Equity’: Cash flow creation by reforming assets structure